
Call for Volunteers

I received an email from Dina Bishara, co-founder of the Iowa City Autism Community. She is looking for volunteers to thelp her create "Calm Kits" to distribute to students in area schools. Please read her letter below and contact her if you are able to help. Thank you!

Hello Peg,

My name is Dina Bishara and I am a co-founder of the Iowa City Autism Community (  We are a local, grass-roots group that works for the inclusion and acceptance of autistic people and their families in our communities, businesses, and schools.

As a result of a bit of fundraising we have done (modest though it is - we are just two volunteer moms!), we will be creating what we call "Calm Kits" to distribute to area schools to be used for students (autistic or with other difficulties) who are experiencing anxiety, sensory overwhelm, or stress.  

In addition to these Calm Kits, we would like to include a weighted lap blanket (usually about 12"x20") for each school. [Here is a lot more information about weighted blankets and their benefits for children on the autism spectrum: ]

After excavating my linen closet, I discovered that I have a good deal of unused canvas and heavy duty cotton fabric - old curtains- in great shape.  The first thing that came to mind was that it would be perfect material to make weighted lap blankets/pads.  There is only one problem!  I have no ability to take on a project like this myself - no craft or sewing skills.

I am looking for volunteers who would be able and willing to take on a project like this (here is one example of a "DIY" weighted lap pad:  The Iowa City Autism Community is also able to pay for the poly pellets that are used to weight the blankets (we are thinking around 3lbs per).

I am wondering if anyone in your sewing and quilting community might be interested in a project such as this?  We would be looking at 12-15 lap-sized blankets to start - and would not expect any one group to take on the entire number.  I will be reaching out to other shops and quilters, as well.

Thank you so much for your consideration.  Please let me know if you have any questions about the Iowa City Autism Community or this project.

Happy New Year,

Dina Bishara
Iowa City Autism Community

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